Thursday, November 24, 2011

Christmas Ornaments!

I'll probably make these too!
Now that the plates are put away, I don't mind bring out the Christmas ornament post.  Before I got started with my move I started making Christmas ornaments.  My tree is coming out of my new yard, and I wanted everything to be kind of rustic to match.  I'm also on a crazy tight budget, and ornaments just aren't a priority.  My mom gave be a box of the standard ball ornaments, and I'm covering them with twine & pages out of an old French novel from a high school French class.  (I hate the idea of defacing a book, but the plot left something to be desired even if it were in English.)  The only thing I had to buy was the Modge Podge to hold everything together.

I'm about halfway done, and here's what I've got so far.  My pictures from my iPhone aren't so hot, but they really have turned out well!  The trick with the paper is cut it into rectangles so it lays flat.


  1. Wow, those look great - I love the "French" ones. What does your mom think? :)

  2. Thanks Phats!

    Wendy: My mom loves them, she really likes the twine ornaments. I've gotten a ton of compliments on them. :)

  3. I love these! What a great idea! I used to wrap all my gifts in brown wrapping paper with just a red ribbon and these would be perfect with that. I want to stop cleaning and make these! LaVerte


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