Happy Bloom Day everyone! Today is also tax day, and my refund arrives day. Not even the rain is getting me down! Even though the
tulip show managed to fit itself in between bloom days, I have quite a few pictures to share, and not much time to type. So lets get to it, and take a walk around my yard.
Shade Garden:
Just a few wide shots for perspective
Wild columbine & woodland poppy, 2nd year purple azalea, 3rd year double columbine
2nd year wild geranium, 2nd year trillium (woodland variety)
Side yard:
Bird's foot violet, spiderwort
Dwarf rock iris with wild fern, dwarf rock iri, rue anemone
Front Yard:
1st year purple tulips
Late daffodils, dogwood & half of my front yard
new-to-me confederate violets
Wild Azaleas:
The wild azaleas are so pretty and just smell so good. The bees are so happy, and you can hear them as you walk towards the plants. At my house, the white azaleas bloom first, followed by the pink. Some of the older azaleas are taller than I am, up to around 8-10 feet tall. I am continuing to clear out underbrush around them every year, and the habitat is expanding. I'd love to nurse back the grove that my grandmother always talks about from her childhood.
There's not a good way to photograph the blueits and capture the carpet that covers my yard. My yard is mostly moss, and I only mow a few times a year. This has allowed the blueits to take over, and I think it is so pretty.
You can also see that my hellebores are very happy with my shady home, and are well on their way to multiplying & establishing little colonies.