Friday, June 15, 2012

june bloom day 2012

There has been so much going on in the past month that I haven't spent much time at all in the garden.  And I'm going to be honest...I hate it.  I had dreams of what my yard would look like this summer, and I am no where close.  There is mulching to be done, ivy to be pulled, tomatoes to be staked, and the list goes on.  The worst thing is I feel like there is nothing blooming right a few volunteer black eyed susan's that dot my un-mowed lawn.

The lesson here is that not much will survive the hot summers here without help.  This means that when I do start planting summer blooming perennials for next year, they need to be drought tolerant and heavily mulched!

If you'd like to see what is blooming around the world, visit Carol's May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.


  1. Gardening in the heat is frustrating, isn't it? Sometimes, I think if I took all the time and energy I spent in the garden and channeled it into something else...I might find the cure for cancer! Still, there's something about a garden that keeps me going back for more punishment. Hope you have a lovely day!

  2. My Black-eyed Susans are not blooming yet, so you are ahead of me there. I haven't been able to spend much time gardening either, but we have been blessed with plentiful rain to keep things alive and blooming. But the grass! - it is taking over the flower beds!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. I learned last year in our drought that plants here will not survive with just hand spraying. I've always heard put in the watering system first, but of course, I always do things backwards! I have the Mister Landscape (I think that's the name) and I love it. Easy to install, doesn't take much water, and has a timer! I posted about it if you want to know more. Anyway, I certainly understand about the running out of time, and then the dream seem so unrealistic, it can be discouraging. Here, the weeds are growing like crazy and it seems I could work 24/7 and not get them under control! Good luck - and happy GBBD!

    1. I am *desperately* in need of a timer for my soaker hose in the veggie garden. They're so helpful!

  4. Don't give up! I often get overwhelmed, especially when it's so hot I don't want to go out and water, let alone pull weeds. After 7 years, my garden still doesn't look the way I envisioned it, but there are still so many things that delight me that I keep working away at it. I've decided that native plants and anything low-maintenance is the way to go to survive our unpredictable weather.

    1. Thank you Rose, I need the words of encouragement!

  5. It happens to us all. Happy Bloom Day anyway. Enjoy those little drops of sunshine in your yard.~~Dee

    1. Thank you so much Dee. Maybe I'll have some extra time to make July a little better :)


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