Wednesday, May 16, 2012

may bloom day

The best thing about this post it not going to be my writing, because there isn't enough time to do much of that.  The best thing about this post is taking a moment out of a fairly crazy schedule to walk around my yard and see what the month of May has brought to me in my new-to-me yard.

Happy Garden Blogger's Bloom Day!

This cute little wildflower has popped up in a few places.  Anyone know what it is?
My little holding zone.  Begonias, Basil, and Lily of the Valley
My Day Lilies are shaded, so these are the first blooms.
This self sown Gerber Daisy is about to show it's first flower.
These red wildflowers are my favorite May surprise.
A little bit of purple in my driveway
Yuccas.  I'm not a fan of the foliage, but the blooms are pretty!
My Confederate Jasmine doesn't mind that I haven't found it a permanent home.
Can't leave out the wild daisies!
Edited: 5/16/12 9:06am to add captions.
Edit: 5/16/12 5:00pm - Valhalla and my mom have confirmed that the red flower is Silene virginica (fire pink) and the white flower is Cimaphila maculata (spotted wintergreen).


  1. Hello!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
    Do you know the name of the plant in the first photo? I think I have seen something similar here, but I don't know what it is.
    And the plant with the blueish berries - I should know that one, too, but I can't think of it!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

    1. Hi Lea! I'm not sure what the plant in the first picture is. I saw it for the first time as I was walking around the gardens taking pictures. It's very small, about 3 inches tall, and the flowers are smaller than a dime. The berries are Huckleberries, and I have them everywhere. Hopefully this means the birds will share this year. :)

      Do you know what the red star plant is? That's another wildflower that I haven't asked my grandmother about yet.

  2. It truly is a treasure hunt seeing what pops up! Did your grandmother cultivate native plants, too--or is it just happenstance?
    The red one looks like Silene virginica (fire pink). I knew I had seen the first white one before so I googled till I found it--Cimaphila maculata (spotted wintergreen).

    1. Thanks SO much for the ID's :) I'm not sure if my grandmother cultivated these native plants, but I know she encouraged their growth. There are rocks all over the yard 'marking' places where wildflowers decided to make their homes. If I have enough nerve I'm going to try and gather some of the fire pink, and find it a home in one place where it can really show off.

  3. huh. Spotted wintergreen. So does it make berries? Love that you found such pretty flowers around! The jasmine must be divine. I love it, but you need to be in a warm zone, right?

    1. I'll let you know if the spotted wintergreen makes berries, as of right now I have no idea!

      The jasmine is a favorite of mine. I've had no problem leaving it outside (in a pot) during winter in Zone 7. It's one that would be worth keeping in a pot, and cutting back to bring inside during the winter. Here's a link to some feedback from different regions:


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