Wednesday, January 15, 2014

garden bloggers bloom day - january 2014

Happy Bloom Day!

Today is Garden Blogger's Bloom Day over at May Dreams Gardens.  On the 15th of each month, Carol encourages bloggers all over the world to post pictures of what is blooming in their gardens.  I have been an off and on participant for about 2 years, and it it one of my 2014 goals to be more consistent. (Looking back, I've never done bloom day in the fall.  I'll take that as a reminder I need to plant things that bloom later.)

Today marks the beginning of her 8th year documenting her blooms, and while I am no where near 84 posts, this is my 15th Bloom Day post, and my 12th post from my new house.  These posts really are helpful to me as I plan out my gardens, striving towards having something in bloom year round. I hope it helps give you an idea of some of the plants that do well in and around Chattanooga, Tennessee, and if you're curious about what actually blooms in January (since I don't have much of anything blooming right now) make a stop over at Carol's blog to see the full list of participating in Bloom Day.  Most of them have much more blooming in their yards than I do :)  

First up are the buds, and then we'll get to the blooms/berries.  Last January I had blooms on my Hellebores, and this year I'm just starting to get new growth.  The blooms will follow soon.

Hellebore growth
Last year was unusually mild, and this winter can't seem to make up its mind.  We've gone from mild to frigid, back to mild, and now cold.  This azalea has been confused, and I hope the red new growth makes it through the rest of our cold snaps.

My iphone photography skills leave much to be desired.
There is also new leaf growth on my rhododendron.

Rhododendron leaf buds

I really hope this isn't too premature, because this bush is really starting to recover from drought damage incurred before I moved in.  Apparently there was severe die back, and the bush has come back to about a third of its previous size. My first year here it had one bloom, and last spring it had about a dozen blooms.  With any luck, I was hoping it will be covered in blooms this year.

The other plants that are confused are the irises, I don't remember them coming up quite this soon.  They've never bloomed, so I'm hoping that the change will be good for them, but I'm not holding my breath.

Iris sprouting
Right on time are the Dwarf Nandinas and my Spirea.  The Nandina is still covered in berries, and the Spirea is starting to show buds.  I know we have some cold days ahead, but spring is in sight!


Dwarf Nandina
I saved the best picture for last, as the red berries are the most colorful thing in the garden right now.  Spring can't get here soon enough!

January 2013


  1. Lovely Nandina! So good to have color in the Winter.
    Rhododendron and Hellebores looking good, too!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. Thanks Lea :) I'm so excited for this spring, I think it's going to be my first with a lot of color.

  2. Watching the Hellebores coming out is such a treat at this time of the year. What colour is yours?

    1. Mine are ivory with mauve centers and dots on the petals :) Here are the best pictures that I took last spring:

      Thanks for stopping by!!


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