The obit first: I was So excited about the Ranunculus bulbs that I planted this spring. I loved the double blooms, and was looking forward to having cut flowers in my apartment this summer. It was not meant to be. I over watered the pots, the roots rotted, and the plants died. Oops. At least everything else has done MUCH better.
Here is a look around my patio:
My Morning Glories have filled out 1/2 of my patio railings exactly as I wanted. I also planted some late Moon Vine seeds, which have started taking off nicely, and will fill 1 hole, as well as mix with my Morning Glories so I will have day and night blooms. My Gerber Daisy is getting ready to bloom for the second time this summer, and the strawberry pot it is sitting in is overflowing with Moss Roses :) I have two Black Eyed Susan's in pots that are doing very well, and about to burst with blooms. My basil is growing at a steady pace, and I've harvested almost one full quart size freezer bag full of crunched up basil leaves - anyone have a pesto recipe they'd like to share??
The small tray is a special project I'm
trying. I've never grown tomatoes from seed, and frankly I'm a little scared. Through the Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, I found the Garden Geek in Pakistan, who was offering to share tomato seeds. I love the idea of sharing seeds, so I asked if he could send me some, and he did! I received Purple Cherokee Beefstake & some others I can't remember, but will look up later in the mail. About 4 weeks ago I pulled just a few of each, soaked them overnight, and planted them in the hopes that maybe something would come up, and I could have some late season tomatoes, to compliment the early season ones I had already planted. Here is a close up of how they've done. Not bad for a first try, outside on an apartment patio, with no real attention :)
The tomatoes I planted this spring are "Celebrity" and "Sweet 100." I didn't do much research into the varieties, but have had great luck with what I found at my local nursery. Both plants are HUGE and producing their first baby tomatoes.
Until next time....